Balance Station, PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 18, 2012 – by Winfield – There was a good turnout last night at the weekly PaxLair meeting. Some old veterans returned (welcome back!), the cures were a big topic, and Emma Silvermane, a Silvervale leader, spoke to the group.
For one hour, the people talked about EM quests, the cures, helping different groups and guilds, some events coming up, and more.
Before the meeting, people gathered inside the Balance Station pub in the rear of the building. They were treated to some fine liquors from Nidaros, while Ronin wandered outside wondering what all the noise was.
The PaxLair meetings held each week change in location, but the format is usually the same: some pre-meeting event or gathering, welcome new people and returning veterans, what’s happening in the cities and towns, new events coming up, and some general discussion. Anyone and everyone are invited to attend and the meetings are held to one hour.