Highlord Krueger (Jon Johnson) Remembrance

PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 19, 1998 – by Winfield — Highlord Krueger, guildmaster of the Iron Brigade died [in real life] in an accident.  There will be a remembrance ceremony atop the Mage Tower in PaxLair on Saturday, September 19th at 11 PM EDT (03.00 GMT Sunday).

Iron Brigade Guild Banner

Highlord Krueger Memorial in Skara Brae

It is with great sadness we hear of the fate of a great adventurer, leader, and friend to many. Jon Johnson, character Highlord Krueger, the GM of Iron Brigade on Chesapeake, lost his real life in the Great Lake of Lake Erie, USA, on September 17. The following information was provided by Merseian CreagThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , Prince of Daemondred of the Order of the Sapphire Rose to the people of PaxLair:

Today Jamlyn Hakkendyn of the Order of the Sapphire Rose, placed a guildstone in front of the house in front of our tower in memory of Highlord Krueger GM of Iron Brigade. Clip from guilds email:

“When Lexia and i got back from the airport, i heard of Highlord Krueger’s death in real life. The leader of IB, Iron Brigade. We hade a funeral tonight at the meeting, i cried as well as alot of others. This game is more then, “just” a game, because we make Real Life friends, and thats what makes this not “just any game”. He died in a boating accident on Lake Eerie… GMs are making a memorial for him. I am going to lake Erie with Lexia in the morning to go boating, how ironic. Have a safe weekend everyone, HLK will always be with us.”

– Jamlyn Hakkendyn GM of OsR

During our Festival of Races this eve we will hold a remembrance ceremony on top of the Mage Tower. I ask all races and groups to come in peace to pay their respects. I invite a master bard to play soft music while people assemble and speak of their friendship with Highlord Krueger. Then we will have a moment of silence in his honor.

Tributes may be made at the remembrance and on the Iron Brigade messageboard and/or the PaxLair messageboard.

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Strange Ghost Spottings

Various Locations, Chesapeake (UO Chesapeake News) – September 11, 1998 – by Vincent — Many, I’m sure, recall the old ghost stories that they told amongst themselves as children. Perhaps not word-for-word, but at least the memory of the shared experience of attempting to frighten one another around the campfire is something that many of us had in common in our youth. Some believe that what has happened recently is the beginning of such a story coming true.

Zaine the Lurker

A strange ghost has been sighted recently, often appearing behind someone and then vanishing as soon as the person notices. The ghost appears to have the name of Zaine the Lurker. No one knows what exactly a “lurker” is in this context, but that seems to be only a minor part of the mystery.

Sightings have been frequent this past week, mostly in Britain, but also as far south as Trinsic. I was fortunate enough to talk to a few people who had spotted this bizarre spirit first-hand. One such eye-witness was quoted as saying, “Aye, I saw it. I even spoke with it! My friends thought I’d never have a practical use for the skill of spirit-speaking.. And yet, there I was, the only one on the street who could understand what he was saying. Tis a strange manner of being, as he seems to remember very little of where he came from or where he is going. He spoke only in single words, and kept mentioning some sort of strange rock, and a skull. Oh yes, and he kept repeating the word “pain”. Damn riddles! Perhaps he’s lost his mind or something.”

Another was heard saying, “It was damn frightening, I do say! I was about to sit down to read a book in the park near the east bank in Britain, when suddenly this bluish ghost with an erie green-glowing lantern appeared right in front of me. I nearly soiled myself! Then it vanished, only to reappear a few yards away where it spoke to a few adventurers. They seemed quite interested in the rock it spoke of. That is, until the ghost said it was not a black rock. At that point someone began yelling over everyone else, and the ghost appeared a bit flustered and vanished for good.”

Some of those who have had extended conversations with this apparition have come to the conclusion that he is searching for some sort of magical rock that is somehow tied to his pain. As to whether the “rock” at that location will resurrect him, or lay him to rest, or do something completely different, no one knows. The only thing that is known for certain is that he is not your run-of-the-mill ghost, and can not be resurrected by normal means. Also, he seems to weaken after a short while, and then vanish.

This mystery is still wide open. Perhaps one of our readers will find what the ghost is looking for, and solve the puzzle. However, I would suggest doing so with caution, for it is not clear how or why Zaine died, or how he got to be in his current state.

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Mystery of the Blue Skull

Between Yew and PaxLair, Chesapeake (UO Chesapeake News) – September 11, 1998 – by unknown — While exploring the northern woods between Yew and PaxLair, Nazgul and I approached a tiny clearing and found a new and rather puzzling item. It was a stone wall dripping in blood, with a sign thatread: “The Suffering Stone”. A skeleton in chains was attached to thewall and a large boulder sat front and center. A “blue skull” rested at the base of the wall.

The Suffering Stone

As we examined this hideous wall and tried to determine why it had been placed there, Dr. Dolittle approached with his hireling, Donovan. Greetings were exchanged and Dr. Dolittle informed us that he was going to try to procure the blue skull. After a few attempts, Dr. Dolittle said the skull was too heavy to lift. He used the skull and magical ether filled the air. Dr. Dolittle cried out in astonishment and declared that the blue skull must heal or transfer health.

I did not try using the blue skull myself since the place was giving me the creeps. I suggested to Nazgul that we move on and he happily agreed. When I returned later to make a drawing of this sight, I tried using the blue skull, but nothing happened for me. Perhaps it failed because I was at full health or because there was no one nearby. I cannot say. I made my drawing and left this erie place as quickly as I could. I still wonder why it is here and who built it. The drawing is enclosed for those who wish to help solve this mystery.

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Songsmiths of Sosaria Concert

PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 29, 1998 – by Winfield — The Songsmiths of Sosaria played a wonderful concert in PaxLair Saturday night for over an hour. More than forty people attended the concert where the Songsmiths Cherveny, Jhym, and Rhagbard Tramont and our own PaxLair Bard Dejen delighted the audience with many a song and tale. The concert was held in front of Luigi’s Pizzaria in PaxLair.

Songsmiths of Sosaria Concert in PaxLair

Luigi Aiello

Luigi cooked up piping hot pizzas while his two waitresses Lenora and Mecca served the hungry and thirsty customers. During part of the concert, Luigi sat in his comfortable chair on his patio and listened to the fine music.

The Singers:


Cherveny – Lord of the Music
“The Death of Frodo”
“Barratus the Necromancer”
“The Ressurection of Chad”


Jhym – Cantor of Compassion
“A Song of Samlethe”
“Bard To Trinsic”

Rhagbard Tramont

Rhagbard Tramont – Singer of Sacrifice
“The Bard”
“At the Sleeping Bull”
“Secrets of the Woodsman”


Dejen – Bard of PaxLair (guest singer)
“The Orcs”

In all, ten songs were sung with perfect instrumental accompaniment. I offer the lyrics to two of the songs sung, one from the Songsmiths and the other from none other than our favorite Bard in PaxLair.

Barratus the Necromancer
Sung by Cherveny

Now, much has been said about this one
about how he is a foul fiend.
I say look again! What does he seek done?
Then you can act, if there is the need.

Two necromancers in Love, Barratus and Shara Crene
given power by the foul magics for evil deeds.
But their thoughts turned to that of the good and clean,
thus they were harvested as if they were reeds.

Barratus found a way back to the living,
then sought a way to bring back his wife.
Alas all he found were people most unforgiving
and people who sought after his life.

To retireve items he needed he quested
to revive his beloved from the grave his only goal.
But everywhere he turned, he found himself bested
thus found himself taking on a new role.

If all were against him, he would attack the world,
no pity had they shown him, why should he pity them?
But deep inside, a flame of goodness is still interred
but how can one help the good, and yet the evil, stem.

Some noble questors found the bones of Shara, his beloved
and seeked to sue them to summon the dark mage.
Will he come to reclaim the bones of his wife, most coveted?
Or will his hand once more be turned to rage?

*Plays a Final Cadence*

The Orcs
Sung by Dejen

Twas a cold and dark night
The orcs came looking for a fight.
They saw our numbers and ran away
To attack another day.

We didnt wait nor hesitate
To attack the place where they lie in wait.
When we arrived at the place
We where suprised–they didn’t show their face.

When we found the orcish fort
They laughed at us with a snort.
They denied what we said
Even threatened to take off a head.

We stood our ground, did not give in
A new courage was found within.
We a slew an orcish guard.
He died quite quick nor was he hard.

After that we did return
For our home we did yearn
So here we are back in Pax
A wonderful place to relax.

We thank the bards and the audience for a fantastic concert. An encore performance will hopefully be scheduled in the near future.

End of Concert

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The Quest for Balance

Various Locations, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 20, 1998 – by Atlan – Let it be known, that the Great Earth Serpent has contacted the people of Sosaria, in particular the town of PaxLair. It has sent us many a vision and spoke much knowledge. Here you will find what has happened and what we have learned so far.

First, i, Atlan, sage and seer of PaxLair felt the urge to hold a seance. After this intriguing first contact to the Void, and the forces it holds, i did much research. Again, i believe that the Serpents guided me in my desire, for as soon as had accomplished a simple device to recieve messages from the Void, we could put it to good use. After eons of silence, the shrines spoke again! This first quest to the shrines tought us very much.

We were left with the promise of another call to the shrines, revealing the true intent of all this. Note, that the answers the party gave to the questions each shrine posed will remain their secret, as this is a path you can only travel for yourself. Choose your own answers for your own reasons and learn.

And thus the shrines spoke:

Chaos Shrine

We are Chaos.

Thy world has no understanding of Chaos! Thy world was a mere shadow, but now it takes form. Now thou gain souls.

Nourish these souls with Virtue. The Great Serpents have chosen to guide thou.

Follow their guidance, or else thine world will be shattered by the Evil that was, the Evil that is and the Evil that will be.

Learn the ways of Chaos, Order and Balance. Thou will need the mantra of every shrine to make contact.

Chant it trice and learn what thou missed so far and what thou will miss if you fail.

It may seem easy to chose between Good and Evil, but how dost thou chose between Good and Good?

Every direction consists of three Principles. Chaos begins with Emotion

Emotion is the ability to percieve those feelings that come from the heart, as opposed to those from the mind.

Do not return until thou contemplated Emotion. Go now, and learn of Honesty!

Honesty Shrine

A dishonest life brings unto thee temporary gain, but forsakes the permanent.
We are Honesty.

The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

Never esteem anything as of advantage to thee that shall make thee break thy word or lose thy self-respect.

Honesty springs from Truth Another aspect of Honesty is Logic, a Principle of Order.

Logic permits clear, reasoned thought, free from instinctual biases.

We ask thee this: A merchant owes thy friend money, now long past due. Thou dost see the same merchant drop a purse of gold. Dost thou A) Honestly return the purse intact; or B) Justly give thy friend a portion of the gold first?

Do not return until thou contemplated Logic. Go now, and learn of Justice!

Those who inflict injustice upon others cannot expect fair treatment unto themselves.

We are justice.

How little do they see what really is, who frame their judgement upon that which seems.

Justice is Truth balanced with Love. Another aspect of Justice is Rationality, a Principle of Balance.

Rationality is the ability to comprehend life and understand the world around us. Emotion blended with Logic and Logic balanced with Emotion achieves Rationality.

We ask thee this: Thou hast been sent to secure a needed treaty with a distant Lord. Thy host is agreeable to the proposal but insults thy country at dinner. Dost thou A) Valiantly bear the slurs; or B) Justly rise and demand an apology?

Thou will need to find the symbols. We will call thee when the time is near.

Do not return until thou contemplated Rationality. Go now, and learn of Valor!

Valor Shrine

Those who fear to try, know not their limits and thus know not themselves.
We are Valor.

If we want light, we must conquer darkness.

Valor is born from Courage. Another aspect of Courage is Enthusiasm, a Principle of Chaos.

Enthusiasm is the energy that allows one to perform great tasks.

We ask thee this: A mighty knight accosts thine poor Lord for a tribute. Dost thou A) Valiantly refuse and engage the knight; or B) Sacrifice thy wealth to help thine Lord?

Do not return until thou contemplated Enthusiasm. Go now, and learn of Sacrifice!

Sacrifice Shrine

None live alone, save they who will not share their fortune with those around them. We are Sacrifice.

In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.

Sacrifice is derived from Love and Courage. Another aspect of Sacrifice is Discipline, a Principle of Order.

We ask thee this: Thou art an elderly, wealthy eccentric. Thy end is near. Dost thou A) donate all thy wealth to feed hundreds of starving children, and receive public adulation; or B) Humbly live out thy life, willing thy fortune to thy heirs?

Discipline is the drive to complete a task and avoid the distractions that will prevent its completion.

Do not return until thou contemplated Discipline. Go now, and learn of Humility!

Humility Shrine

Pride is a vice, which pride itself inclines one to find in others, and overlook in oneself. We are Humility.

Humility is a virtue all preach, none practice; and yet everybody is content to hear.

Humility exists outside of Truth, Love and Courage. Another aspect of Humility is Dedication, a Principle of Balance.

Dedication is that which permits one to surmount obstacles and lead others. Enthusiasm balanced with Discipline bestows Dedication upon us.

We ask thee this: Thou art at a crossroads in thy life. Dost thou A) Choose the Honorable life of a Paladin, striving for Truth and Courage; or B) Choose the Humble life of a Shepherd, and a world of simplicity and peace?

Thou will need to enshrine the symbols, we will help thee if the time has come.

Do not return until thou contemplated Dedication. Go now, and learn of Honor!

Honor Shrine

It is guilt, not the guillotine, that constitutes the shame.
We are Honor.

Honor and shame from no conditions rise; Act well thine part, there all the honor lies.

Honor comes from Truth and Courage. Another aspect of Honor is Ethicality, a Principle of Order.

Ethicality is the beliefe that there is great value in abiding by rules of conduct.

We ask thee this: Thou art sworn to uphold a Lord who participates in the forbidden torture of prisoners. Each night their cries of pain reach thee. Dost thou A) Show Compassion by reporting the deeds; or B) Honor thy oath and ignore the deeds?

Do not return until thou contemplated Ethicality. Go now, and learn of Compassion!

Compassion Shrine

Only a detested life owes its pleasures to another’s pain.
We are Compassion.

Compassion is the basis of all morality.

Love brings Compassion. Another aspect of Compassion is Tolerance, a Principle of Chaos.

Tolerance is that which encourages the acceptance of all things.

We ask thee this: Thou hast been taught to preserve thine lords shrines from all desacration. A known murderer and thief, deadly wounded pleads for entrance to rest and heal his wounds. Dost thou A) show Compassion and let him in; or B) heed thy Spiritual beliefs and refuse?

Do not return until thou contemplated Tolerance. Go now, and learn of Spirituality!

Spirituality Shrine

To forsake one’s inner being is to abandon thy hopes for thyself and thy world. We are Spirituality.

Thou cannot dream thyself into a character; thou must hammer and forge thyself one.

Spirituality derives from Truth, Love and Courage. Another aspect of Spirituality is Harmony.

Harmony is the ability to be at peace with oneself, other individuals and the world. Tolerance balanced with Ethicality brings us Harmony.

We ask thee this: A local bully pushes for a fight. Dost thou A) Valiantly trounce the rogue; or B) Decline, knowing in thy Spirit that no lasting good will come of it?

Thou hast heard of the Principles of Chaos, Order and Balance. Some problems might need other points of view to resolve. What hast thou learned? All Virtues are one Virtue. All ways are one way. All beliefes are one beliefe.

Thou will need a way to enter the Void. We will open a passage when all is ready.

Go now, and contemplate Harmony. Think of what thou have learned and return again when thou hear the call.


NOTE: This is part of a continuing PaxLair Player Quest, not a Seer Quest.

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The ghost in the Fountain

PaxLair, Cheseapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 6, 1998 – by Winfield — A moongate opened near the fountain and a young woman stumbled out, deadly wounded. She reached the fountain and collapsed. After she died, a second moongate opend at the exact same spot, releasing The Lady M.. She looked around, then noticed the body of the young woman and starts to scream for help: “Oh no! My sweetheart, my daugther…wake up. Please help me, oh mighty wizards…help my child…although i am merely her step-mother, i love her from the bottom of my heart!” Nobody is able to resurrect the spirit, and with time, it vanishes near the fountain. Some time later, the ghost of the poor maiden appeared inside the fountain! It seems that her soul was trapped by the vile powers of the corrupted well. And thus she spoke:”…i am lost… the Evil that is has doomed my soul… i cannot resist the power… you must hear me… hear my warnings… the Evil that is has spawned the Evil that will be… the earth shakes… only the new way can save you… wait for the shrines to call… i am but one of many… doomed souls… the new Temple will restore us… it will restore all…” *fades*

The gathered people wanted to try to resurrect her anyways, so they were asked to seek out Lady Winmere. After some research, the party found her waiting in Shame. After the party reached him, she went with them to PaxLair and inspected the Shade in the fountain: “Hmmmm….this soul is lost beyond our reach. A powerful, evil spell has ripped her from her body, keeping her from rejoining it. The fountain is just a substitute, drawing her back into our world.” “Can you res her?”-” I am not sure, the bond is too powerful…who or what could weave such spells? Well, we will need very strong reagents, and i doubt we can do anything without divine intervention. Hmmmm. Ah, yes, maybe the waters from the fountain can be purified. Take these pitchers to each shrine in Despise and enchant it with the words:”In Uus Vas Ort!” three times. And bring me what i listed in this book. Then return it here. *shakes head* I still doubt it will work..”

The party traveled into the depth of the dungeon Despise, fighting it’s way through the poisonous vermin there. Upon reaching each shrine, they invoked its powers upon the waters. The shrines were guarded by hordes of monsters: Lich Lords and demons! But the party was victorious, performing the last rite against all odds.

With the enhanced power of the water, the wise woman started a ceremony to invoke the Shade. As she started to resurrect her, she was struck by a bolt of lightning, and the Shade spoke:”Ahhhh, the pain! Stop it! The time is not right… the second column has too much power yet. You need to break the spell… wait for the shrines to call… wait for the next conjunction… only the Temple will free me… and he may free you too…”

So, after all the trouble the party went through, it was all in vain, as the powers of evil were to strong to overcome. But, alas, there seems to be hope, as the shade too spoke of the Temple, that might resolve all problems, and the shrines calling again.

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Atlan Receives Visions

PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 4, 1998 – by Winfield — Since the defeat of Mondain, the borders between our world and the etheral Void has been profoundly weakend. Most magical researchers agree on the fact, that our world is a mere picture imprisoned in the shards of the shattered Gem of Immortality, thus explaining our worlds affinity to the Ether. Sensitive persons, and i might humbly count myself amongst them, have always had the tendency to recieve visions at locations where the Void penetrates the mundane time and space of mortal men. I can only asume that the spoiled Fountain of Knowledge in our fair city of PaxLair is such a spot.

Peering into the Fountain

Peering into the Fountain

For some days ago, i felt the strong urge to gather the present citizens of PaxLair, including some visitors (such as Obsidian, dedicated to revive the town of Slateholm or Rage, eager to explore new lands and planning to found an outpost in the expected new world) around the Fountain and hold a kind of seance. Until now, i am unsure why i might have choosen this expression, as it indicates to get contact to a being from the Void; but i had the intention to resolve the mysteries surrounding the Fountain. Alas, my intuition in the naming of the coming was quite right, for as i closed my eyes and focused on the Fountain i immediatly felt the power of another being probing my mind. It was no intrusion, but a delicate touch, asking me to let it in. I surrendered myself to the feeling and soon the beeing used my body and voice to speak to the gathered people. As it was quite an exhausting experience, i am not able to recall every single word i have spoken in this state. But from what people have told me afterwards, i was host to three beings, after i voiced my own impressions.

This is what i pieced together from the storys my audience told me.

Atlan:*focuses on Fountain*
Atlan:…i see…
Atlan:I see!
Atlan:…i see three columns of Evil…
Atlan:…one is fallen but will be restored…
Atlan:…i see…withering forms…
Atlan:…they want to warn us…
Atlan:…i see…
Atlan:Citys, a temple!
Atlan:Snakes! I see snakes!
Atlan:*Hail…my children…* Note: a tranquil, deep voice
Atlan:*You will have to choose.*
Atlan:*I will guide you through this Age of Darkness*
Atlan:*You need to learn new ways.*
Atlan:*changes voice* Note: voice pitches over to a cold controlled speech
Atlan:*You need to obey rules!*
Atlan:*You must follow orders!*
Atlan:*You will only survive if you follow my lead!*
Atlan:*changes voice again* Note: new voice is powerful and emotional
Atlan:*Strike them down!*
Atlan:*Shatter you enemys!*
Atlan:*I will unleash your powers!*
Atlan:*Follow me and we will smithe thine enemys!*
Atlan:*voice trailes back to the beginning* Note: First voice again.
Atlan:*Choose wisely, my children…*
Atlan:*Unity is your only chance…*
Atlan:*Farewell for now…learn th new ways.*
Atlan:I see no more…

NOTE: This is part of a continuing PaxLair Player Quest, not a Seer Quest.

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Ridley the Skeleton in PaxLair

PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – June 2, 1998 – Submitted by Nero — Ridley the skeleton, victim of Zephram’s failed alchemic experiments, appeared in the fair city of PaxLair last night (June 2, 10:45pm EDT). He was escorted by a cohort of zombies. An important meeting on necromancy was interrupted just as it began by the news. Citizens and visitors alike rushed to the bloody well at the foot of the mage’s tower, first with a mind to attack the zombies then, upon discovering the nature of their visit, to listen and observe. The vigilant civilians kept their wepons at the ready. 

Ridley, turned undead by Zephram’s failed experiments into necromantic arts, has vowed revenge upon the ambitious alchemist. The skeleton conversed easily with the citizens of PaxLair. He answered all questions posed by the crowd and even spoke briefly on the mixed blessings of being among the undead. Most importantly, he insisted several times that he and his zombies meant no harm to the people of PaxLair. He would not make any such promises to Zephram. 

The visitors remained in PaxLair for nearly fifteen minutes. Zombies roamed the streets, frightening citizens and travelers and searching for the alchemist. Zephram was not found, but a piece of laboratory glass bearing his name was uncovered by one of Ridley’s minions. Ridley gathered his forces, convinced that he had found all that would be found, and departed. 

PaxLair, still reeling from the horrific “adjustment” to its spring by Mazrim, has been subject to necromantic occurrences and attacks by orcs and undead. With the addition of Ridley’s interest in the small town, PaxLair is quickly becoming an unwilling hub of events. Perhaps, the citizens wonder, these events are all linked together.

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IGM Goatboy Locks Down Items in PaxLair

PaxLair, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 20, 1998 – by Winfield — Interest Game Master Goatboy helped PaxLair with locking down furniture in the Mage Tower. For weeks, PaxLair citizens created furniture for the Tower, only to have it stolen within a day’s time. 

Goatboy (GB) in the PaxLair Mage Tower

Goatboy (GB) in the PaxLair Mage Tower

With interest from IGM Goatboy, the regular furniture created by PaxLair crafts people were permanently mounted to the floor. Only later, in future weeks and months, would other things appear in PaxLair inside and outside the Mage Tower for all to enjoy.

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Zephram Experiment Ends in Disaster

Traxel the Alchemist and the Blue Spell

Britain, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – May 19, 1998 – by unknown — Greetings, I bring news of an unfortunate mishap that occured only a few moments ago in our great land. On the shard known as Chesapeake a scientist known as Zephram tested his prototype for a ressurection potion. The result was unexpected as Ridley the ghost was transfromed to a skeleton. Ridley was very upset with Zephram’s faliure and swore vengence as he ran out of Chambers of Virtue in Britain. As either a side effect of his potion or as an act of revenge by Ridley Zephram took ill almost immediatly, turning green and appearing very fatigued. Here is a full log of the occurance:

Zephram the Scientist: Some of thee have been following mine work and others have not. For many months I have worked to create a potion that will resurrect the dead. Mine primary focus is to restore life, but also to understand the nature of life and death. I have sent many a brave adventurer to gather materials for these experiments and many have succeeded in bringing me what I have needed as such.Well, it has taken a long time, but I have finally created the potion.I’m not sure how possible it is to make them for practical use,but that sort of detail is what will need further research should this prototype succeed in the test I am about to perform.

Ridley is an experienced and well respected mage who has recently died.

Ridley: oOooooOO!
Ridley: oOo!
Zephram the Scientist: I will now apply the potion
Morgoth: OH no!
Ridley: Wha…
Ridley: Aaaa!
Zephram the Scientist: Oh my
Ridley: A skeleton!!
Morgoth: ‘Tis only partial complete!
Ridley: You turned me into a..
Ridley: Skel…
Zephram the Scientist: Oh dear, this is not good.
Ridley: Aa
Ridley: you fool
Ridley: You idiot
Zephram the Scientist: I.. I..
Ridley: *rattles and shakes*
Ridley: How
Zephram the Scientist: I am so sorry Ridley!
Ridley: How
Ridley: could you do
Morgoth: Zephram, thou lookst ill
Ridley: I can never be brought back to life now
Ridley: Arrgh!!
Morgoth: Zephram, art thou alright?
Ridley: You complete and utter fool!
Ridley: You shall pay for this Zephram!
Ridley: PAy
Ridley: dearly!
Morgoth: Yes, thou lookst ill Zephram
Zephram the Scientist: Oh dear, Methinks I have been afflicted by a side effect
Morgoth: Well Zephram…
Morgoth: What shall we do to aid thee?
Zephram the Scientist: Well, for now I’m not sure what can be done. I fear that Ridley meant what he said about seeking revenge. And Ridley is not mine only concern, I must know if my skin color is the only side effect I have suffered. And then I must find a cure.
Zephram the Scientist: *sigh*
Zephram the Scientist: Perhaps thou wert correct, perhaps this was a foolish endeavor. A man has been rendered permanently dead because of my failure. And he blames me for it! Perhaps Ridley can be convinced, in time, to allow me to help him. Aye, I shall seek to find cures!
Morgoth: Zephram, thou hast a long night’s work ahead of thee.
Zephram the Scientist: A long night’s work? It will take far longer than a night, milord.
Morgoth: Aye, but for now thou shouldst sleep…
Zephram the Scientist: I thank thee milord.
Zephram the Scientist: Keep thine eyes open for Ridley in the coming days. That is the trouble with angry beings who seek revenge, they tend to come at thee when thou doth least expect.
Johan: You say he was a powerful mage?
Zephram the Scientist: Aye, he was. What effect being a skeleton will have on his magery I know not. All I can ask of thee at this time is to keep a watchful eye. I shall ask for thy aid again if I need something specific. And I hope Ridley’s anger can be quenched without bloodshed, I thank thee everyone! I will speak to all of thee again soon. But for now I must return to mine work, so that I may begin to seek a cure for me and for Ridley. Fare thee well everyone!
Zephram the Scientist: oh I feel fatigued perhaps a stay in the inn is in order

AND with that he proceded to the Wayferers Inn and rested. T’was almost a glorious day for all but proof that life and death should be left to the gods.

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